Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Cosmic Christ

Jesus, the Lord of Love and Son of Man, may be experienced in three manners: first, as the personal Jesus; second, as the traditional Jesus; third, as the cosmic Jesus.
The Jesus Story
Most people who have been taught in formal religions have experienced Jesus in the first two manners. Often He is someone to get them out of some undesirable situation or help a loved one. His earthly deeds are also inspiring to many who emulate his sacrificial giving. These are very good and part of the plan. But I grieve over the scant attention to the cosmic Jesus on the altars of the world.

Ann Ree writes of the cosmic Jesus,
Initiation into cosmic Jesus is a confrontation with the spiritual reality of man’s sublime and divine nature, and of God’s eternal plan for souls and worlds without end.
Through the cosmic-Jesus initiation, one attains the soul crown of illumination. To be initiated under the cosmic Jesus with cognition and consciousness is to be in a state of increasing illumination and revelation. To know Him with a supernal non-separateness is to thirst and desire to serve Him beyond all others.
The Jesus Story
To think on the cosmic Jesus means many things, but one of them is to go beyond reacting to our immediate concerns and troubles so that we can divine our destiny, purpose, and part in this earthly drama. When we place our earthly affairs into the context of our cosmic learning, we invite the informing principle. We begin to see many clues as to what buds of destiny within us have yet to be opened.

Through most of my blessed times with Ann Ree in Niscience, the way I defined myself was pretty limited. I was interested in only a few things. And, like most people my young age, relied a bit too much on reflections of myself off others. Naturally, God uses others as a mirror to us and to teach us through reflection, so this is not altogether bad. In fact, it is a necessary stage of life.

We might compare this limited way of evolving to fitting the pieces of a jig saw puzzle together without a picture of the final image as a guide. It is certainly possible to complete the puzzle this way, but the process is longer and full of more needless experimentation. Worse yet would be to have a false picture and follow it.
Ann Ree served as a spiritual guide. Her style with me and many others was to give hints at our latent abilities and weaknesses, but nothing that our limited consciousness would bend into old familiar shapes. She told us that the greater teachers speak to the higher unconscious of their students. I have returned again and again to the all-too-few times that I heard her blessed personal words to me. These have continued to open to me.

Applying the same technique with the seed truths that Jesus left us through those who recorded the scriptures can yield greater results and can be a cosmic guide to the grand puzzle we are a part of. They have seven levels of interpretation according to Ann Ree. But most commentaries have penetrated only the lower veils of interpretation. That His words have more to them than the ephemeral meanings of the age was hinted at when He said,
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
Another aspect of knowing the cosmic Jesus is awareness of His part in plan with the Great Ones who rule the earth’s destiny. These have been hinted at in the Bible, but have needed the commentary by the lesser and greater avatars who have come after Him.

Ann Ree writes of these Great Ones:
Jesus, the center of Mediation between man and God, knew God as no man of the earth has known Him. The Ancient of Days expanded eternity time into cosmos time for Jesus, that Jesus might accomplish His mission in a short period of three years. Melchisedec helped Him to alter the etheric currents of the earth. The Father sustained His restoring of the souls of men. The Christ animated His imaging thoughts. The Cherubim worked with Him to translate one energy into another, or to release the energy within the atoms of food, thereby giving yield and increase for the hungry thousands.
The Jesus Story
All of these mediative actions are also part of our evolvement: use of time, imaging, transubstantiation and use of substance. They can be used reverently to further our learning and serving in this life and prepare us for our future destiny, or they can be used selfishly or indulgently.

Through the human Jesus that incarnated as a babe, matured, and died, we see how He mastered the cosmic energies that God gave us in this earth. He voluntarily assumed human form with human weaknesses not because He had to, but so that He could demonstrate by example how we can rise above hungers, cruelties, and all of the contesting energies that can be harnessed to shape us.

In my white paper for this month, Ann Ree wrote,
By thoughts on cosmic force as a major motivator in each life and in the next life, he sees his sojourn on earth as a place to master cosmic force as a master mind-craftsman utilizing the complex intricacies of life. He sees that God is not a God of force, yet gives to man cosmic forces to master.
Dedication 119
We so unaware of these forces and think of everything personally that we sometimes react with feelings of “bad luck” or “I’m so terrible” rather than looking upon initiation as the raw material for channeling the forces we unknowingly fall victim to.

Jesus was unwavering in his meeting the discordant forces in the world. His strength can be ours if we enter into initiation without railing against the contesting forces.
One never retires from the spiritual life if he has moved with the holy acceptance of the contesting trials. As he matures in knowledge and years, he becomes a solace and a bulwark to those who crave to touch the holy proximity of an unwavering spiritual person.
Ann Ree Colton
Jesus was a master over the whole cosmos. I love this description of a vision of Jesus by Yogananda on December 27, 1943:
In spite of writing on my book, I went to meditate. I thought I would never come out of ecstasy. Our meditation day was eight hours long. Jesus came three times, once as a child in the crib of light, and as a young man, and twice as He looked before crucifixion. In His eyes trembled the command of the Universe.
While all of us have times when we have to put the microscope on particulars, it can be done with losing sight of the importance of our little lives in God’s grand plan. Ann Ree said that each person is as essential to His Plan as the mightiest star. Recognizing this is not a cause for ego inflation, but a cause for taking our responsibility seriously and giving our whole effort as if the whole world depended upon us.

For each thing mastered in this stage of our earthly sojourn, there await millions beyond that. The prophet Isaiah said,
For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.
Isa 64:4

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